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The following are notable people who were either born, raised or have lived for a significant period of time in the U.S. state of Texas

Emma Abbott, opera soprano (born & raised in Illinois; funeral and cremation in Illinois.); Margaret Abbott, golf champion, 1900 Olympic Games; Robert Sengstacke Abbott, founder of The Chicago Defender and Bud Billiken Parade (born in Georgia; educated in Chicago and had his newspaper career in Chicago)

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The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs.

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Gender: Repression And Reappropriation ‘Cunt’ may be the most offensive word in the English language, though there have been many attempts to reappropriate it.

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ALMOST HUMAN (1974) – Movie posters tried to pass this off as a monster film to an unsuspecting public upon its’ initial U.S. release in 1979 due to the success of ALIEN.

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James Hamilton is a sworn bottom and he does a helluva good job. Although James is of course the top with his ladies, as a straight man he is OK with the idea that someone must be on the receiving end in sex with another man.