

Midland Amateur Radio Club

January 2017: N/A: February 2017: Auction, donate your un-used radio gear or other household items to the SVARA auction, all money goes to the Saginaw Valley Amateur Radio Association.

Midland Amateur Radio Club 69

Back to top : 2018-05-21: The Avo Valve Tester Type 160. I have the following available for sale, in very good condition with service and operation manual.

Midland Amateur Radio Club 16

Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Virginia showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico.

Work and jobs in Midland: detailed stats about occupations, industries, unemployment, workers, commute. Average climate in Midland, Texas. Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations

Home . Welcome to the home of the British Amateur Television Club Whether it is watching live video from the International Space Station, developing high speed data links to carry digital TV signals, helping produce programs for live streaming, building pre-amps and high power amplifiers for the microwave bands or restoring vintage cameras and

Midland Amateur Radio Club 46

Midland Amateur Radio Club 39

Midland Amateur Radio Club 27

club name region; 10-70 repeater assn: w2: 1900 club: w3: 4m5dx group: yv: 599 contest club: ja: 599 dx association: w5: 599 dx group: py: 875dx: w9: 9a …

Radio Club Listings. Radio is a great hobby and one of the best ways to get involved is by joining a club. Here’s a state-by-state directory of just some of the many clubs looking for new members.

Midland Amateur Radio Club 51

Midland Amateur Radio Club 32

Midland Amateur Radio Club 57

Midland Amateur Radio Club 78

Shop For Your Source! Buy radio ,Power Tools, portable cd players, antennas & mounts and other. Buy cheap electronics online.

HAWAII. Alii’s Chapter, 10-10 International, very informal club, no meetings, no dues, no officers. Formed to promote friendship and spread the Aloha Spirit around the world via amateur radio on 10 meters.

Midland Amateur Radio Club 13

GLUCK, P.Eng., David Passed away peacefully in his 100th year on August 23, 2017 in Richmond Hill. David was born in Welland, Ontario on December 17, 1917.