

Fountain Nude

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Fountain is a 1917 work produced by Marcel Duchamp.The piece was a porcelain urinal, which was signed “R.Mutt” and titled Fountain.Submitted for the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists, in 1917, the first annual exhibition by the Society to be staged at The Grand Central Palace in New York, Fountain was rejected by the committee

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Nina James Amateur Pornstar Takes a Dip in the Fountain for FTV teens

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Nude teen on Rock: Nude teen Seated on a Rock is a lovely sculpture that can be used as a fountain. Though it looks lovely in a garden setting, the beauty of the sculpture is enhanced in a reflecting pond.

Artwork page for ‘Fountain’, Marcel Duchamp, 1917, replica 1964 on display at Tate Modern. Fountain is the most famous of Duchamp’s so-called ready-made sculptures: ordinary manufactured objects designated by the artist as works of art.

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