

Asian American Stereotypes

May 08, 2017 · The circumstances of poor Asian-Americans are diverse. Asian-American seniors are the most financially vulnerable of the group, with almost 1 in 4 living in poverty, a report from the Asian American Federation noted.

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2. All Asians are the same. Oh, you’re Asian? Are you Chinese? Apparently, if you are Asian, you are automatically Chinese. No, Asian means they are a native of Asia.

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Political correctness aside, there are many colorful (no pun intended) assumptions about people in relation to their racial backgrounds. Stereotypes can be …

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A brief History of Yellowface – Racist Asian Stereotypes. Yellowface is another example of the racism prevalent in American culture.

Stereotypes of East Asians are ethnic stereotypes found in American society about first-generation immigrants, and American-born citizens whose family members immigrated to the U.S., from East Asian countries, …

The book features Cousin Chin-Kee (as in “chinky”) who is a mishmash of some of the worst historical — and modern — American stereotypes used against Asians.

Watch the video of our From Yellow Peril to Islamophobia: How Asian Stereotypes Impact Our Lives Today panel on the parallels between the Japanese American internment and the treatment of South Asian and Muslim communities today

Article about the history and recent emergence of Asian and Asian American sports starts and athletes, such as Yao Ming, Ichiro, Tiger Woods, how many Asians view sports differently from other groups, the stereotypes and prejudices they’ve overcome, and how they are being received by mostly non-Asian sports fans.

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Regina George, Sharpay Evans, and Blair Waldorf are some of the most iconic mean teens in popular culture. But the image of the queen bee has also seen a shift.

A unique sociological exploration of the historical, political, demographic, and cultural issues that make up today’s diverse Asian American community — like an online version of Asian Americans 101.